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Because colors are pretty removed ansi-colors in favor of colors. Cleaner IMO.

colors = require 'colors'

PrettyPrinter docs/source

PrettyPrinter = require('./pretty-printer').PrettyPrinter

JiraApi = require('jira').JiraApi

Enum for search types, used in the stdout formatting a wee bit hacky at the moment

searchTypes = {Issue:0, List:1}


This does the fancy talking to JiraApi for us. It formats the objects the way that Jira expects them to come in. Basically a wrapper for node-jira-devel

class JiraHelper


Builds a new JiraCli with the config settings

    constructor: (@config)->
        unless @config.strictSSL?
            @config.strictSSL = true
        unless @config.protocol?
            @config.protocol = 'http:'

        @jira = new JiraApi(@config.protocol, @config.host,
            @config.port, @config.user, @config.password, '2',
            false, @config.strictSSL)
        @response = null
        @error = null
        @pp = new PrettyPrinter

    dieWithFire: ->

Get Issue

Searches Jira for the issue number requested this can be either a key AB-123 or just the number 123456

    getIssue: (issueNum, details)->
        @jira.findIssue issueNum, (error, response) =>
            if response?
                @response = response
                @pp.prettyPrintIssue response, details
                @error = error if error?
                @pp.prettyPrintError  "Error finding issue: #{error}"

Get Issue Types

Gets a list of all the available issue types

    getIssueTypes: (callback)->
        @jira.listIssueTypes (error, response) =>
            if response?
                callback response
                @pp.prettyPrintError "Error listing issueTypes: #{error}"

    createIssueObject: (project, summary, issueType, description, criteria) ->

TO DO: the last arg should be an array of keys and values that are non-standard

            project: { key :project }
            summary: summary
            issuetype: { id:issueType }
            assignee: { name:@config.user }
            description: description
            customfield_10503: criteria

Add Issue


  • summary: details for the title of the issue
  • description: more detailed than summary
  • issue type: Id of the type (types are like bug, feature)
  • project: this is the id of the project that you're assigning the issue to
    addIssue: (summary, description, issueType, project, criteria) ->
        newIssue = @createIssueObject project, summary, issueType,
                    description, criteria

        @jira.addNewIssue newIssue, (error, response) =>
            if response?
                @response = response if response?
                @pp.prettyPrintSuccess "Issue #{response.key} has been created"

The error object is non-standard here from Jira, I'll parse it better later

                @error = error if error?
                @msg = "Error creating issue: #{JSON.stringify(error)}"
                @pp.prettyPrintError @msg


Delete an Issue

Deletes an issue (if you have permissions) from Jira. I haven't tested this successfully because I don't have permissions.

    deleteIssue: (issueNum)->

Don't have permissions currently

        @jira.deleteIssue issueNum, (error, response) =>
            if response?
                @response = response
                @pp.prettyPrintSuccess "Issue #{issueNum} was deleted"
                @error = error if error?
                @pp.prettyPrintError "Error deleting issue: #{error}"

Add Worklog Item

Adds a simple worklog to an issue

    addWorklog: (issueId, comment, timeSpent, exit)->
        worklog =
        @jira.addWorklog issueId, worklog, (error, response)=>
            if response?
                @pp.prettyPrintSuccess "Worklog was added"
                @error = error if error?
                @pp.prettyPrintError "Error adding worklog: #{error}"
            @dieWithFire() if exit

List Transitions

List the transitions available for an issue

    listTransitions: (issueNum, callback) ->
        @jira.listTransitions issueNum, (error, transitions)=>
            if transitions?
                callback transitions
                @pp.prettyPrintError "Error getting transitions: #{error}"

Transition Issue

Transitions an issue in Jira


  • issueNum: the Id of the issue (either the AB-123 or the 123456)
  • transitionNum: this is the id of the transition to apply to the issue
    transitionIssue: (issueNum, transitionNum)->
        issueUpdate =
        @jira.transitionIssue issueNum, issueUpdate, (error, response) =>
            if response?
                @response = response
                @pp.prettyPrintLog "Issue #{issueNum} " +
                    "was transitioned" # #{color("transitioned", "green")}"
                @error = error if error?
                @pp.prettyPrintError "Error transitioning issue: #{error}"


Search Jira

Passes a jql formatted query to jira for search


  • searchQuery: a jql formatted search query string shows all otherwise
    searchJira: (searchQuery, details, type)->
        fields = ["summary", "status", "assignee"]
        @jira.searchJira searchQuery, fields, (error, issueList) =>
            if issueList?
                @myIssues = issueList
                for issue in issueList.issues
                    switch type
                        when searchTypes.Issue
                            @pp.prettyPrintIssue issue, details
                        else # less is better as default
                            @pp.prettyPrintList issue, details
                @error = error if error?
                @pp.prettyPrintError "Error retreiving issues list: #{error}"

Get My Issues

Gets a list of issues for the user listed in the config


  • open: boolean which indicates if only open items should be shown, shows all otherwise
    getMyIssues: (open, details, projects)->
        jql = "assignee = \"#{@config.user}\""
        if open
            jql += ' AND resolution = unresolved'
        jql += projects if projects?
        @searchJira jql, details

List all Projects

This lists all the projects viewable with your account

    getMyProjects: (callback)->
        @jira.listProjects (error, projectList) =>
            if projectList?
                callback projectList
                @pp.prettyPrintError "Error listing projects: #{error}"

module.exports = {